This past week has been a whirlwind. As of last Saturday, we didn't have power. We miraculously kept ourselves warm by the fireplace for a couple of nights, but finally surrendered to mother nature and bad circumstances and drove ourselves to Rhode Island for a couple of warm nights at my mothers residence. I had visions of everyone huddled around our fireplace breathing cold air and wishing I hadn't actually decided to go through with my baby shower. But alas, Wednesday morning we came home to a warm house! The power was back and so was my spirit. Time to bake and clean and hot glue decorations! We hosted the party at my abode, because it was easier to accommodate everyone AND I wouldn't have to lug gifts around, a win-win yes?
Marybeth put on her superwoman cape and did an amazing job with EVERYthing. I helped, but she planned planned planned and baked her little heart out. And she managed to stress over details like clear punch cups, pink chocolate and rolled silverware. She's a saint in a pink tutu. We also had some help on the days prior from Ruth, and the day of from Sara and the Husband. Without everyone working hand in hand it wouldn't have been such a fantastic day. And a huge thank you to everyone for buying me stuff. I am seriously a little less worried about bebe's arrival now that she'll have clothes and blankets and places to sit/lay/swing. Up until now the plan was a towel on the floor or the bassinet!
Ready for lots of photos?? Here are the favors, felt flower pins and chocolate chow mein nests:
Delicious treats:
Some yummy food:
Gifts galore:
Since we're still stumped on a name, I thought this would be a good idea:
And a little photobooth fun: {disregard the non-matching rug and the green painters tape, the loss of power seriously delayed any progress on the porch this week!}
And an ode to some of my favorite people who couldn't be here: {But not all, since we could only fit a few stick people on the plate, sorry Melissa and Tina!!}
All in all, a fabulous day and this wee bebe will look back on this one day and realize just how nuts her mother is. If she hasn't figured it out by then...
Wow, Cheri, everything looks sooooo beautiful!! MB did such an amazing job, and this will be such a fun memory to look back on in years to come!!!!
I'm so glad it was such a wonderful time. It looks like MB and the gang really put on a soiree for you and your girlie bebe.
awww that is so cool! MB did a FAB job!!!
everything is just breathtakingly gorgeous!!! What a fun day!
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