Sure that's not how you spell it, but I actually kept calling these Hyacinth, until I did a quick google search just so I wouldn't sound silly if I was wrong. Well, I was wrong, but it turns out, I have a few Hyacinth around the yard as well. Who knew?
The fun thing about spring is watching all the random plants and trees sprouting and blooming. When we bought the house, everything was in such sorry shape that we just pulled out what we knew for sure was a weed and hoped for the best.
Well the fact that I have these pretty yellow bushes to stare at every day is definitely the best. They're my favorite shrubbery.
Bring me a shrubbery!
One that looks nice.
And not too expensive.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
For Cynthia
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
it's in the mail
Here's the thing, I'm really drawn to metal, tin, rustic, red anything. So this vintage red metal mailbox was the perfect find. I check my thrift stores every week/couple of weeks because of items like this. I love everything about it, including the $2 price tag.
As soon as the upstairs is finished {I find myself saying that phrase a LOT}, I will find the perfect spot and use for it. It can be wall-hung or stand on it's own. So what say you, any good suggestions for it's future occupation?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
it's a blue kind of day
I've been feeding my craft obsession in small doses in between a few larger projects I'm working on. I can't wait to show you a couple of things that are being upcycled, but for now these will have to do.
I found these blue and white plates at my local Goodwill for about a dollar a piece. The bases were found at various stores, for about 50 cents a piece. I only had to spraypaint one of the bases and it came out splendidly. I'm really happy with the mix of black bases and the blue and white theme. I used E6000 glue to secure the bases to the plates. It's stinky, but it works!
And here we are waiting for the rain to stop. Sadie's going a bit stir crazy. She even attacked the rag I was using to wipe off her feet after a potty run. That rag didn't stand a chance, she's a chewer.
Monday, April 11, 2011
a little spring in your step
I'm sure everyone is feeling the same way about summer after this tragically long and brutal winter. As much as I love boots, my feet are sick of being smothered.
Dear spring, please be kinder, i'm cold and tired of wool.
So thanks to a very kind friend who rewards me in gift cards, I picked up these sandals from Target last night. I absolutely adore the blue pair: the braid, the straps, the color, but the yellow pair kind of snuck up on me. However, I think they'll be perfect with the nautical outfits and the flowy skirts.
With the addition of these, along with the other two pair of flats that magically appeared in my closet recently, I fear that a very large shoe purge is in order. Any size 7s out there?
Friday, April 08, 2011
and now for something the same
This is the last and final post about all things Kate. I finally mailed everything to her this past week and I know I know, 3 full months to get photos to the bride? Luckily she was patient with me, and because she was a friend I adjusted and photoshopped a LOT of her pics, say 97% of them. Because who doesn't want everything to just pop?
So here is a final send-off to that fantastic and frigid December wedding, with some of my favorite shots {some repeats, some new}:
So goodbye Kate and Paul, and I wish you the most happiness in a world of endless possibilities.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
write it down
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
it's a pincushion! it's a tutorial! it's totally rad!
Are you sick of pincushions yet? {Or exclamation points for that matter?!?} I know i'm not, but I like things in multiples, so it's hard to judge. Here is the tutorial that two very cool people asked me to post. It's pretty much a rip-off of an online tutorial I found, but the link no longer works for me, so here's my version:
Supplies needed: hot glue gun, ball jar with removable lid center, stuffing, cardstock, scissors, fabric, pencil/pen, coordinating pins.
Step 1: Trace your lid center onto the back of the fabric you'll be using and the piece of cardstock you need. Cut the fabric leaving about .5 - .75" excess around your drawn circle. Cut the cardstock on the actual drawn line.
Step 2: Place stuffing on wrong side of fabric, then put lid center on top.
Step 3: Push through lid top and hot glue edges of fabric down.
Step 4: Hot glue cardstock to bottom of lid center. This isn't necessary but it gives it a clean look. You could probably do the same thing with ribbon or more fabric.
Step 5: Reattach to jar, insert coordinating pins and voi la! You're done.
Step 6: Sit down and admire your craftiness. Preferably with some hot tea and a brownie in hand.
{A Tinkerwiththis crafty tip: look in unusual places for small amounts of inexpensive fabric. Like clearance cloth napkins or baby receiving blankets. This fabric is Liberty of London men's boxer shorts! I bought it on clearance for only a couple of dollars.}
Monday, April 04, 2011
pins and needles
and the wiener is....JEN!
Congrats to you and thanks to everyone for participating. We'll be having more of these soon. All the links are great for inspiration and ideas and I'm excited to try a couple of the things.
So Jen, all you need to do is pick one of the two below, and email me your shipping info to
Thanks and happy monday everyone!