Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i need the healing juice, whatever that is.

i'm a big ball of itch. maybe i keep getting wrong answers, but nothing seems to help. i should rephrase that, it helps but doesn't cure. i'm dealing with it, but when you mess with my sleep man, it just doesn't go over well. and after a month or two of that, well, you get the picture. i have bumps everywhere. in the past day or two they've started to creep onto the backs of my hands. the one place i can't really hide. maybe the doctor will have answers tomorrow morning...


embee said...

Oh man so sorry. I'm hoping you get better soon. Srsly you need a break!

daisygirl said...

Hope you can find out what is causing it-rashes are no fun!

karin said...

some weird allergy? new washing powder? soap? new food? shellfish? a new cream? poor thing.

Jana said...

Well, as a sufferer from chronic hives i can sympathize. But the good news is a good 24 hr allergy med works wonders for me. But even though the doc can tell me what it is, he can't tell me why it came on or how to rid my self of it. Ugh

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