Saturday, April 19, 2008

well, it just keeps getting harder

this is a struggle. i'll admit it. finally. sure i'm excited. but in the words of a very old-looking jack nicholson, something's gotta give.

the buyers of our house backed out of the contract. so regardless of the missing couches and craigs-listed furniture, we need to show it to realtors and potential buyers. regardless of all the 'storage' piles and 'sell' piles. regardless of the fact that the movers are coming on the 29th. regardless = word of the day.

so yesterday in brooklyn was a complete bust. basically the real estate agent had nothing in our price range and nothing in the neighborhood we wanted. he walked us 30 minutes in the wrong direction to show us an apartment out of our price range in an area we didn't belong. which was very clear by all the looks we were getting. and the smashed out car windows. so we jumped in a cab when we could finally find one and went back to the neighborhood we preferred, to start over. and we said goodbye to that agent. and made sure we still had all our wallets and belongings.

day two in brooklyn is looking up. we're meeting this morning with a realtor who is showing us apartments in our price range and in the neighborhood we want. who knows. we have high hopes for today. more later...

PS: it could always be worse, no?


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

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  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    C'mon, why so negative? I know people who were looking for home in our Dekoven Mews neighborhood for looong time. And finally succeeded. And about your old home - try to spend at least few hours to get it in shape - it could really help...

  3. hey, maybe you'll find one when you least expect it. (thinking positively)

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Geez sweetie,
    I guess the telemarketers are everywhere!! Call me when you get a chance and good luck in the city. love you guys.

  5. west toronto realtor really knows what he's talking about... get that house in shape! work it!

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Keep praying. It always seems things work out at the last moment! At least that is my experience. Put power behind that prayer and keep packing! Remember if you're praying for rain, you better bring your umbrella!

  7. Ugh. Just checking in and wanted to let you know I was thinking about you guys. I hope things fall into place soon. Let me know if we can help!
