Wednesday, April 16, 2008

oops, here it is:

daisygirlfam.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

ok, so sometimes i take more pictures than i can handle and forget to post something that i was meaning to. like this.

my meeting with carly, aka daisygirl, and her kick awesome family some two weeks ago {gimme a break, i've had a lot going on...}. lela {spelling?} was so adorable and entertaining! and not the least bit shy...

oh and i am totally in awe of carly's makeup-applying abilities. the women woke up at 5am {or was it 4?}, got three kids awake and into a van and yet had time to look gorgeous. i, on the other hand, rolled out of bed at 9, ate a fig bar for breakfast and hardly had time to apply chapstick before running out the door.


  1. cute!1 wish i had red hair!

    does daisygirl blog?

  2. Anonymous6:07 PM

    no, she's using that whole, i have 3 kids and no time excuse...lame.

  3. hurray! daisygirl good to see you! and i guess you too cheri...

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I was trying to remember why I haven't looked at your blog till now-we had our missions conf. this weekend.
    I sell Mary Kay, hence the makeup. Being an artist, I like to view the face as a canvas of sorts. Besides, I love lipgloss.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Oh, and the red hair? I don't find time to have my own blog, but somehow I find time for a box of hair dye, who knew?
