Tuesday, April 22, 2008

all is not lost

so we did it. as of june 1st we will be official new yorkers. actually, we're living in brooklyn, so does that make us brooklynites? brooklynites living in a very tiny apartment with a roof deck! we'll need to make a huge IKEA trip once we get there so solve the lack of closets and the wee little bedroom problem...

thanks everyone for the encouragement. and the power of prayer. it's so amazing how God can protect and guide when nothing seems to be going well. if you don't rely on Him for your strength and direction, i highly advise you to. it may not seem like a miracle to everyone else, but it sure does to the person involved.

AND more good news: there seems to be another offer coming in today on the house! so all that sprucing up seemed to help, and the best part is the buyer is willing to purchase some furniture from us, which would solve the 'what do we do with all our human-size furniture?' situation.

so all is not lost, it was just misplaced for a bit...


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    i want to hear more about your wee apartment and how you found it. your saga is soooo interesting to read.. :)

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Go get 'em sweetie, I knew all would fall into place. My daughter, in Brooklyn... so are you going to pick up a cute Brooklyn accent kinda like my southern accent??? Details on the wee place.... love you.

  3. So glad to hear about the found misplacements. :o) I know how un-humanly stressful it can all be, and I will keep praying for everything to fall into place and final-finalized soon. :o)

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Yay! you don't have to live under the bridge! Although it sounds as if you'll have about the same amount of space!
