Wednesday, December 12, 2007

eyecandy: fabric so yummy

fabrics_amyb.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

you could eat it. but don't. it's expensive.

actually though, you can find good deals on etsy {i'm such an addict, thanks manda}. i ordered these today and i just got an email from the shop saying they would ship this afternoon, woot! i'm so excited. they might make it in time to get some christmas gifts under way. i still have a few people to go, shame on me, perfect pendants and elly eyepillows anyone?

anyway, these are amy butler, {from the left} rowan, nigella {spinach fans, i've been wanting these so bad!} and belle, i think. but don't quote me, i just buy what i think is super awesome and then forget what designer/line it is when it actually makes it into a design of mine...


  1. Nice! What are you going to make with these? I have to find more time to sew fun things! Actually, I want to recover Grant's baby bedding for this new little guy-gotta choose some cute froggy material soon. I have less than 10 weeks left. There is a quilting store here, but haven't been yet. Is there a site you might recommend or something on etsy?

  2. very very nice!

    daisy - take a look at

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    def stop at your quilting store first. i was suprised by what mine carried and you don't have to pay shipping. if you want, check out my etsy profile and then click on my favorites. in there is a list of all my fave shops, some of which are fabric....

    but go local if you can! not only do you support your local small business, but you get to actually touch and see it before buying....

  4. love all of those fabrics.

  5. Anonymous10:37 PM

    am i the only one hearing scitar music??? and i was the hippie in college. hmmm...

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM

    there's the shop i got all this from for those interested...

  7. love the fabrics, they are amazing.

    My big project for christmas is making homemade stockings with old wool sweaters (felted).

    tink, have you ever made a tree skirt?
