Thursday, December 13, 2007

it's beginning to look a lot like

ahh_snow.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

a messy drive home. yuck. but it might be a good night to finish christmas shopping yes? jen, remember the night before your wedding we went to the mall during that blizzard?

oh, and i hated my banner so i changed it yo.


  1. sniff sniff. I want snow. Love the new banner.

  2. Thanks for all the fabric websites everyone! I could spend a small fortune on everything I like! I plan to go to the quilt shop tomorrow-I get the van, yeah!
    Wannabe, you can have some of my snow-my garden bench is burried-only some of the back of it sticking up through the snow. And it is snowing more right now.

  3. i like both banners. i'm hungry. i want some hot cocoa. blah. snow.

  4. hot cocoa with a peppermint stick

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    or some peppermint schnapps.
