Tuesday, December 11, 2007

style for your food 101: the apple jacket

apple_aday.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so cute, i love this. it's really well made and colorful, plus it's supposed to protect my happy little apple from getting all bruised up in my bag. basically, my apples will now be snobs to all the other fruits. and i bought another one for that lucky christmas gift recipient...

to find your own, just search 'apple jacket' on etsy, cause i'm too lazy to link sucka.


  1. that little apple coat is so cute. but i really enjoyed the toaster reflection of you crouching down to try to get the photo.
    have you seen that ebay auction for the dining room table? with the naked man in the mirror taking the picture? it's stinkin hilarious and disturbing all at once.

  2. Um hi. I kind of knit and have a pattern for that. LOL!

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    i think i might try this!

  4. Are you gonna get a new jacket for your new Apple abode? Cuz I hear it's easy to get bruised bumping around in town... :o)

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    an apple a day... keeps ? away?

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    melissa, i totally got a new jacket for around town. it's swell. i plan to get a few more stylish coats and throw out these old necessary ski jackets!

    manda, you should send me a list of all your patterns, shanks....

  7. I have to agree that the reflection of you getting the picture was one of the first things I noticed! I know someone who videotaped their honeymoon suite while naked, showed it to their youth group without checking the tape, and didn't realize there was a mirror! Yikes!

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    fyi: the reflection was on purpose. thus, i'm fully clothed.

  9. ...um...because if you had taken the photo in front of, say, the reflection-free teapot you would have been nekked? Cuhrayzee!

  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    very cute!

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    daisy girl's story made my day!
