Thursday, May 31, 2007

cleaning house

so i'm thinking about a half-off sale for the etsy shop. seriously. i want to get rid of inventory so i can buy supplies to make more inventory. :) but i do have more pendants and bags in the works, so i want to get all the current stuff out of my craft room. it's really driving me nuts just sitting there. what do you think? {wait till you see the new pendants, super awesome....}

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

and we're back to our regularly scheduled programming

IMG_7590_kandk_sm.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

what a fun weekend. got to take lots of pictures until of course my battery died, then my back-up battery that was hardly charged died. but luckily not until mid monday. so i still managed a few hundred photos. you'ld think i'ld get tired of pictures, but i don't. ever.

these two sweet girls are a friend's kiddies {the friend's we generally hang with while in CT} that i had the pleasure of taking formal shots of.

then i got to meet up with mb and take sweet pics of new little drew. he's too cute for words. this means his birth announcements should be done this week...

got home yesterday in time to unpack and unwind and even clean the bathroom and kitchen. i heart a clean house. did some sweet shopping this weekend, trader joes, ikea, even hit up the outlets. twice. new orange clarks flipflops, new plaid skirt, toe rings, and some new shorts {to replace last years that i don't fit in for some reason this year...}.

it was a great weekend but i am glad to be back. one week from tomorrow is the surgery! i'm starting to freak. i can't even watch dr. 90210 anymore.

Friday, May 25, 2007

baglady running

meandbags.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

well we're off and running this afternoon so i tried to squeeze in a morning workout, beautiful morning to do it too. it's already 80ยบ out! here's a sneak peek of the 3 bags currently in the works. i plan to sell them on etsy for 30 a piece {if anyone wants to reserve shoot me an email}. the lining and handles will have to wait until next weekend because i'm outta here. have a great holiday-so-we-can-jack-up-the-gas-prices weekend people.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

obsessions within

IMG_7454_pollendetail_sm.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

k: hey, it's me, are you busy making love to your sewing machine?

me: nope, i'm at work, so i can't be sewing but if i was home i totally would be.

k: oh ok, good. i just called to...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

meet gretta

IMG_7487_gretta.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

she's absolutely stunning! {not to brag} this is my first mistake-free bag and i couldn't be more excited about it. seriously, i'm in love with this bag. it's the perfect size and shape and i dig the fabric. and you all know about my recent polka dot fetish. it's technically reversible but who would want to cover up that sweet amy butler fabric? sheesh. i will definately be making more of these and putting them up in the shop. we'll be out of town this weekend but i think i'll make them the weekend we get back.

pre-op went great. i'm thinking this might be easier than i thought. of course the vicadin will help. and chapstick, keep lots of it handy says the nurse. who apparently doesn't know me at all, chapstick is my middle name.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the surrealness of growth

IMG_7435_blossoms.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

pre-op today. in two weeks and two days i'll be under the knife as they like to say about people who go under the knife. it's still pretty surreal at this point. not nervous, not scared, just excited. before and after photos today, good indication of what to expect i assume.

i'm a dork i know, which is why i admit to all of you that i'm bringing the camera to the pre-op. i plan to photo journal the entire experience so why wouldn't i start today? plus, i'm totally going to need something to do that whole week i'm laid up. and i don't know if bending over the sewing machine will even be possible at that point. what should i do that week? any ideas?

Monday, May 21, 2007

i certainly haven't been shopping for any new shoes

IMG_7342_blwhtrees.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so with all the money i made on the yard sale the husband and i went out to breakfast and shopped yesterday. it was nice, i tried on about 72 summer dresses and ended up buying zero. how hard is it to find a comfy, cute and perfect summer dress? hard. i found a lot of them screamed not-for-church which is my main purpose of buying a new dress or skirt.

i didn't get to make any new bags which made me really really sad. but i did get some much needed house cleaning done and we had some friends over for cards and lasagna. yum to both.

this week it's my pre-op appointment tomorrow and then packing for the long holiday weekend in connecticut. yee. ha. {oh, and i'm pretty sure i need a new ipod. the old one crapped out AGAIN which means i'm scrambling to restore all my muzak prior to a four-hr car trip. yay.}

Friday, May 18, 2007

friday faves: spring cleaning

tomorrow is the annual neighborhood yard sale, which couldn't be more perfect since i've got tupperware bins full of crap to sell! i've been hording it all into one room and that room is getting buried. and it's the guest room which we tend to use in the summer much more than it sees visitors in the winter. also, i'm trying to set up a table with all my etsy stuff. it's been fun putting together business cards and signs and whatnot. i'm not even sure if i'll make any sales but it's worth a shot. wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

meet Dotty

mariahs_bag.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so here's my very first bag that i love. sure, i love stella BUT she came with a learning curve and a bunch of mistakes. this one, i think i made one tiny mistake that i managed to cover up. i made this for a friend so i'm really stoked that it came out great. i'ld feel really bad giving her a crappy bag.

i named this one after my grandmother {it had nothing to do with the spotted lining}. it's a bit of funk inside with a sweet outer shell. a lot like my grandmother. she's got spunk. and so does this bag!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

accessory goodness

sjop_pendants.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

new in the shop!

made these this weekend and of course kept one for myself. also have a smaller 1" version which may or may not be up on the shop today {shown are the 1.5" version}. i kept one of the smaller ones for myself as well {duh}. i bought a ball chain at michaels and cut it down to 16" or so and both of them look awesome hanging on it...if anyone wants to know how i made these just ask! it's super easy and they look wicked cute with white tanks and jeans.

Monday, May 14, 2007

me want music

{our friend's son is just getting into talking entire conversations but he can't grasp the idea of saying i when he talks about himself. so anytime he wants something or did something he says me did it or me want it. cute. stinking almost-baby-wanting cute.}

so i really need to revamp the ipod. it's slackin on the rockin tunes.

me thinking about getting:
justin timberlake {white michael jackson, without all the surgery, with all the natural cartilage}
lily allen {thanks manda for the tip, may buy one or two songs from itunes}
green day {american idiot, still ticked about whoever stole my dookie cd, jerk}
new maroon 5 {anyone know when the album is coming out?}
new scissor sisters {british disco dance without the shiny ball, with the tight bright pants}
new nelly furtado
new tori amos {pretty please jen, i know you already bought it...}
new toby mac {krista?}
gnarles barkley {a song or two from itunes perhaps}
royksopp {geico caveman airport commercial background music...}

granted, most of this is for my workout mix but i'm thinking it might be handy for keeping oneself awake on a monday morning.

Friday, May 11, 2007

friday favorites: obsessions

IMG_7348_twolips.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i tend to get obsessed with something whenever i start it. like sewing. love it. i'm wearing my own headband and carrying stella around and i feel so very creative and accomplished. even though no one knows i made headband or stella. but i'm obsessed with sewing now. i'm constantly noticing bags and fabrics and colors and thinking how i can use or replicate or find it in my own stuff.

my etsy store. i'm constantly thinking of new things to make and sell. i even dream about it. it's weird. next up are wooden necklace pendants and more wallets. and i still have some shirts to photograph this weekend...

shopping: although i'm now on a budget {my checkbook thanks me} i still get completely obsessed. i. just. need. to. shop. i do, i don't know why. i love new clothes. new shoes. new. i just love new stuff. there really should be shopping rehab facilities for people like me.

and finally, this blog: i'm really obsessed. with photos, with posting, with making people interested, with comments, with meeting total strangers. i just love that i have readers who are maybe slightly interested in what i have to say even if it makes no sense. ever. gnomes taste better with a butter sauce. see. totally random and you love it. admit it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

kelly's perfect weather

IMG_7363_TulipPurple.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

has certainly made it's way over to us. it's been georgeous this past week and i've been soaking up all i can. {still no tan.}

yesterday i strolled downtown with my big black monster of a camera and shot mostly all the tulips i saw. i don't know what it is but i'm so attracted to the bright colors and simple lines of a tulip. plus, it signifies nice weather around these parts, and that's something that makes everyone happy. so happy thursday. {krista: the office, yay!}

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

introducing stella!

stella.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i took a cue from sarah over at plucky knitter and named one of my first creations. this is stella. i think she's a stella. it's a very retro 20's feeling fabric but with simplicity and a little bit of funk.

i still have to finish her other handle since i realized far too late that i had done a horrible job on the handles and couldn't fit the stinking thing back under the machine to fix them, so i had to come up with a by-hand solution. {maybe i should invest in some stinking patterns?!}

it was a difficult bag to say the least but i love her and can't wait to break her in this weekend. um. you know what i mean.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

a myspace wedding proposal

Dear baby,

Certainly you look like an Angel!! I wish to make a relationship proposal to you. Looking at your picture, you got attracted to me and i felt like writing you to be my partner because you look much of a total woman.

I am an African, Nigeria to be precised and i live in Nigeria.I was in American 6 weeks ago when some body introduced this site to me and i find it very intresting.presently i'm in Nigeria right now to be candid you look so beautiful but love is not all about dat,i dont know how you going to feel if i tell you i will like u to be my partner to marry and not just odnary friend alone.a lady jilted me after 3 good solid years.i thought i will not marry again after all what has happened to me but i want to take this beautiful chance again if God want it like that.this is my e mail add a lady broke my heart But u can rebuild it again. pls pls pls kindly send me yours so to add you to my messanger love to here frm you soon. frm a caring heart Richard.

I will be glad if you may consider my proposal.

Thanks as i await your reply.

My humble regards

love at first site

target.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

it's not the best photo since i was DRIVING. but it shows exactly what i wanted it to. the sign. THE sign. TARGET. say it with me now: TARGET!!! i'm really quiet stoked about this little addition to my little town and the best part is it's a 4 minute drive. four minutes to target goodness. {and i still have my suspicions it's going to be a Greatland...}

this is going to be a Great summer.

Monday, May 07, 2007

fabric love

fabriclove.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

fabulous fabulous fabulous weekend. the fabric store, loved it! and it's minutes from my house. this could be trouble. i ended up sewing all day with a friend. i've already made a little something for mother's day gifts, an awesome bag which i'll show off once i finish the handles, and a great reversible headband out of the very top fabric. i'm so in love with my sewing machine, i never knew it could be this way. now i feel guilty for shoving it in the dark dismal closet all those years. not sure what to do with the rest of the stash just yet. i do want to pick up an easy skirt pattern though and head back for some cute amy butler fabric....

oh, and i was at the post office by 8:30 am on saturday! i couldn't even believe it myself. so jen, expect some cute shoes and cheap sweaters in the next few days.

anyway, brilliant creative weekend {even had time to make a killer spinach lasagna}. i'll post more pics tomorrow...

Friday, May 04, 2007

friday favorites: clear blue skies, tiny elephants and busy saturdays

this whole week it's been sunny and bright. it's still chilly but it's not gray. did you people here me? not. gray. yeah, syracuse. the city that only gets on average 20% of the available sunlight. gray dreary syracuse has been bright and sunny. get out.

my binky the elephant arrived yesterday. i'm not thrilled with the ribbon chain i made for him, but that's an easy fix. i'm still getting compliments on him, and he matches my new red payless flip flops.

tomorrow i'm heading to a very hidden {hopefully promising} fabric store that's right down the street from me! who knew? so i'm hoping to find some cute fabrics for headbands and a mother's day gift i'll be making this weekend. i wouldn't mind getting some patterns from joanns later and possibly checking out the martha section at michaels. maybe i'll put together some sushi magnets for the shop, and i want to try some ribbon bracelets {just an idea i had to use up my cute ribbon stash}. and i need to package and send out everything for my store, and from sales on ebay. oi vey.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

announcing the newest latest greatest button

please grab this little sucker for your site {so any of your interested friends won't have to bug you for my contact info...} and link it to here.

headband woes

me_bands.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

do i spend the money and get a cute headband like mandas? or do i sit at my sewing machine and attempt my own? definately option number two. you can't really see the reversible side but it's white with pink and green polka dots. i love it, it's the perfect size for me and it came out OK for a first try.

and now you can all see why i'm getting a nose job next month...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

le thanks

to wannabe for hooking me up with some freelance design work. it's a super small project but i can't wait to tackle it. i made one little design and sent it to see if i was headed in the right direction and they loved it! so now it's just a matter of printing, hand cutting and mailing this weekend. woot. it's fun to help people with their cool ideas.

also, the custom baby clothing thing is picking up a bit BUT it's really just people i know right now, so please please please pass my link on to your friends and your friends friends and their grandmothers and their grandmothers gin rummy partners. get the word out so i can sell some of my cool crap on etsy and at least make back all the money i put into supplies!! ha. le thanks!

and thanks for thinking of krista, her mom updated her blog so if you're looking for an update visit morningglorykitsch --->

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


please pray for krista {morningglorykitsch}, she had surgery yesterday and apparently the doctor messed up and nicked her lung causing it to colapse. she's fine now, but she had to go to the ER and get a tube inserted to inflate the lung again. pray for her speedy recovery since her mom's only able to help out with the kids for the week. luckily the rest of the surgery went well and according to her mom she looks fabulous!