Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the surrealness of growth

IMG_7435_blossoms.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

pre-op today. in two weeks and two days i'll be under the knife as they like to say about people who go under the knife. it's still pretty surreal at this point. not nervous, not scared, just excited. before and after photos today, good indication of what to expect i assume.

i'm a dork i know, which is why i admit to all of you that i'm bringing the camera to the pre-op. i plan to photo journal the entire experience so why wouldn't i start today? plus, i'm totally going to need something to do that whole week i'm laid up. and i don't know if bending over the sewing machine will even be possible at that point. what should i do that week? any ideas?


  1. See if you were a knitter you would never have to ask that question! ;)

    Can wait to see the gory pics!

  2. you should buy some knitting looms, they are wicked easy to use and you can make cute hats, scarves & sleeves to attach to tops. the meds will take away your appetite, so the movie watching will be good, except you won't remember what you watched. oh and pick up some good books from your library. i like juvenile fiction, but a few romance novels won't hurt.

  3. sorry, make that young adult fiction.

  4. Anonymous11:47 AM

    seriously cute!
