Wednesday, May 23, 2007

meet gretta

IMG_7487_gretta.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

she's absolutely stunning! {not to brag} this is my first mistake-free bag and i couldn't be more excited about it. seriously, i'm in love with this bag. it's the perfect size and shape and i dig the fabric. and you all know about my recent polka dot fetish. it's technically reversible but who would want to cover up that sweet amy butler fabric? sheesh. i will definately be making more of these and putting them up in the shop. we'll be out of town this weekend but i think i'll make them the weekend we get back.

pre-op went great. i'm thinking this might be easier than i thought. of course the vicadin will help. and chapstick, keep lots of it handy says the nurse. who apparently doesn't know me at all, chapstick is my middle name.


  1. Ode to Amy Butler. I NEED that bag.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    haha. i'll try to make an exact duplicate but i am NOT parting with this new one. i luff it. seriously. i think i'll make out with it later today.

    i'll work on that dupe. {makeout free, i promise}

  3. gretta is def my fave.

  4. If you make out with it, can I watch? ;)

  5. Anonymous3:08 PM

    i'll video the whole thing and link it here.

  6. Be careful. It might become a hot commodity like a certain video a la Paris Hilton.

  7. what, no percocet?? you are getting ripped off.
    i'll only watch the girl on tote action if it's with your bandages on - maybe a black eye or two. i'm laffing at my uncharacteristic meanness. love you!

  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    unless you're pmsing. then it's totally expected.

  9. yes, definitely pms-ing.
