Tuesday, May 08, 2007

love at first site

target.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

it's not the best photo since i was DRIVING. but it shows exactly what i wanted it to. the sign. THE sign. TARGET. say it with me now: TARGET!!! i'm really quiet stoked about this little addition to my little town and the best part is it's a 4 minute drive. four minutes to target goodness. {and i still have my suspicions it's going to be a Greatland...}

this is going to be a Great summer.


  1. i'm all a twitter over the old navy that will be 7 minutes from me. in like a year. oh yeah, ikea in orlando - soon. i need a cold shower.

  2. I am very jealous of you. Target does not exist in Englandshire. Boo!
    One day I'm going to post an Ode to Target. I lerve Target. Fun stuffs to buy there -- even super-cool fish-eye cameras can be found there!

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    thanks for the tip!!
