Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Craftilicious: hold my hand...warmers

With cooler weather approaching, I've been inspired to sit inside my sewing room during nap time and whip up some of these adorable and easy rice-filled hand warmers. As you can see, I think I made more than enough. They work fantastic too. I tested one out last night as a foot warmer in the bottom of the bed and it seems I need to make a couple of larger ones since the husband decided to share mine. I only microwaved it for about a minute, but it stayed warm for close to an hour. Perfect for those chilly nights, especially if you hate wearing socks to bed, like me...

I loosely followed this tutorial, using my own size measurements. {Pinaholics, you can PinIt here.} I also made myself some larger rectangular versions, for eye pillows. Two of them are filled with 2 cups of flax seed but the other one is filled with 1 3/4 cups of rice. You can also add some lavender in with the flax seed if you want something with a lovely scent. I have an old one I made for myself years ago that I use consistently when the husband is taking too long brushing his teeth in the bathroom before bed and the lamp is glaringly bright.

The project was easy and simple, and quick! {Not to mention a fantastic way to use up those small fabric leftoevers.} It took hardly any time to sew and stuff these. I think I'll make some more for handmade Christmas gifts. How sweet would these be inside a mug along with some tea bags or hot cocoa mix? Think about all the cold hands you could keep warm this winter? Do your part. Craft your hearts out.


  1. I LOVE that knitted fabric! i had looked for it at JoAnns after I saw it on a blog and didn't find it. Lucky you :)

  2. I might have some of that fabric left, I'll check...
