Tuesday, August 06, 2013

A thrifty transformation: step right up

I have a bad habit of thrifting. It's not necessarily bad, if you enter with the mindset that everything can be altered. I mean, sure, every now and then you find something perfect as it is, but that's rare. I tend to have a better shopping experience when I bring my friend Marybeth, because two sets of eyes spot something fabulous better than one, AND we both happen to love the same style/things. It's usually a win/win for both of us.

This particular time I went alone, but I did score an outdoor play house {awe. some.} and this step stool. Which as you can see above, was hideous at first buy.

A whole lot of spray paint later {those fish were not cooperating, i.e.: seeping through the paint} and we have a lovely usable stool for looking out the window at the passers by. I used some old American Crafts rub-ons to add some color and life to it. I was going to do a classy modern look, but I realized that sometimes kids like to have kid-like stuff, so animals it is. Not shabby for a four dollar thrift store find. Just remember kids, {and by kids, I mean adults} spray paint is your friend. And giraffes are too. {And primer.}

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