Monday, March 14, 2011

Sadie Sadie married lady


Well Surpise! As if our lives weren't crazy enough we decided to throw a 5 month old mutt into the mix! She's absolutely the sweetest dog, in fact maybe too sweet. Her name is Sadie and she loves being with us, sleeping, cuddling, oh and she's smart. We've already conquered a few of her hurdles, including a fear of stairs and doorways. She's also excellent at doing her business in the backyard, way back so we don't have to step in it! That's super exciting for me.

She is in that curiosity state though, so with everything in the house I need to keep a constant eye on her. Especially now that she climbs the stairs to explore all the construction. I'm pretty sure eating insulation would be a bad thing.

Oops...speaking of which...


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I love her!!! More photos please! We're coming up on 5 mos. for our newest family member...lots of chew toys and NEVER leave your expensive bra on the floor!

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    yeah for new puppies! my jack russel's name is Sadie too!
