Friday, March 11, 2011

here i craft again


Craft night was a bit of a crazy night this past week, so luckily when only Ruth said she could make it, I wasn't all that bummed. Basically we were in the midst of dealing with the mini-flood in our basement. I say mini because it could have been MUCH worse and thankfully I just spent all that time organizing and cleaning down there so we literally only lost a rug. Which, who is silly enough to put a rug down in their basement? Yours truly, apparently.
So all the creativity I could muster up was this flower applique for my $2 tank top purchase. I literally cut a circle out of felt, a strip of fabric and started glueing and rolling. I made it into a pin, so I can remove it before washing.

In other news, I've finally been diagnosed properly {hopefully} for my skin issues. The annoying scarring rash that never goes away is actually yeast in my body manifesting itself through my skin, the largest detoxifying organ in/on your body. It all makes perfect sense, so now i'm on a regiment of a million {okay, 7 or 8} natural supplements a day and a restrictive diet with no dairy or wheat. SO in essence, I'm really hungry. But I adore salads and fruit and nuts, it's just the veggies and lack of chocolate that's driving me batty. But I will give up anything to be 'normal' again. Hopefully once this is flushed from my system I can go back to my normal cheese-loving self. The only issue I foresee is my weight. Those who know me in person know i'm a wee bit on the small side, so keeping up my weight will be an issue for me. Although, all those skinny jeans won't be as skinny anymore!
On other health-related news, the stress that is construction is well under way at the tink house. As you can see the transformation is in full swing. We literally have one more small wall to demo and a bit of flooring and then the tearing apart phase for this whole house is over. If you ever consider taking on an entire home renovation, think really long and hard about it. It's overwhelming. Yes, in the end you have exactly what you want, but in the beginning you end up with random dressers in hallways and extra mattresses propped up behind your headboard. Any normalcy we had in this house, is now constricted to the kitchen and dining room, until we're all finished. BUT it is coming along! All these walls are already sheetrocked and ready for primer.

So happy weekend to everyone, come Monday I will have a lovely surprise for you all!


  1. i like the yellow on the red tank!

  2. Glad you are finding a solution for the health probs. How did you finally get your diagnosis? Was it a Dr or homeopath? I was diagnosed with chronic hives 2 yrs ago and have recently been looking into Candida and all it's side effects. I am beginning to believe that our whole family may be suffering from this. I want to get healthy but, I am NOT looking forward to the food restrictions. The book I was reading even said no fruits or nuts while you are detoxing!

  3. I'm so glad you've found answers for your skin issues! I know you've been dealing with it for ages.

    Random Q? Is your coat rack from IKEA?

    PS-- Can't wait for Monday's surprise! :)

  4. PS-- mrs.d is me. Anna Lea. Anna Smith Davis. From PCC.

  5. jana - i went to a homeopathic sort of doctor who diagnosed the yeast. he actually recommend i read up on candida. once it's out of your system though you should be able to go back to all your normal eating! isn't that awesome? i can't wait to have a big cup of milky chai...

    mrs D - the coat rack IS from ikea. 9.99 but i didn't like the cream color, so i painted it the same white as all my trim before installing the hooks. it would look really cool with a distressed look too {just some sandpaper swipes}, if your decor lends itself.
