Friday, January 09, 2009

have you heard?

ok so i did it. i took a break. a break from my internet life. did you miss me? did you really?

so what's new in 2009?

well, i'm a redhead, until it washes out anyway.
i'm reading 'princess diaries' {which i've realized is somewhat embarrassing. whipping out a pre-teen hot pink tiara embellished book on the train and pretending to be a serious reader. thank you very much jennifer.}
i'm sticking to my workout guns.
i'm sticking to my financial guns {in the form of a weekly allowance which i never really abided by last year}.
i'm in love with a man who now grocery shops {completely hot, right?}
i intend to use more of my time to volunteer and assist others and maybe even learn to cook serious dinners and not just dry chicken.

well that turned into a resolutions list, no? so give me one of yours and maybe if i like it {and it's not too hard or sacrificial} i'll adopt it as my own...


  1. I missed you! But at least you left a sweet picture for us to look at while you were gone. :o)
    I'm not much on resolutions, but I have vowed to reduce the number of blogs I read to those written by people I either know in real life, or want to know in real life. :o)
    Happy New Year, and good luck with your gun-sticking and intentions!

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Call your mother more.....:o)

  3. once i was reading ernest hemingway and some really really hot guy on the 6 train was super impressed. he probably wouldn't have been that impressed if i was reading the princess diary... but it's a hilarious book, i love laughing out loud while reading a book!

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Glad to see you are back! Make one of your resolutions to have your resolutions last longer than the average six weeks. Do we get to see a pic of the red hair? I love dying my hair red-red heads are more rare than the dime a dozen blondes. And I can say that cause I've been both!

  5. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I gave up soda for the year. This is a tough one for me! I am hoping it will lead to healthier eating all around.
