Tuesday, December 30, 2008

keep shining baby

and one that they might not be too embarrassed about. although they might not think the hat is so stylish in about 20 years. but doesn't dad look hot? {see previous post to make sense of this post.}


  1. Um, are you pregnant??????????? :)

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM

    no no no.

    let me just make that clear now that you've given my mother a heart attack. i'm saying in the future. someday. when my children are looking through the fifty billion photos i've taken to document our lives.

    so no. not pregnant. cleared up?

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    uh, you sure? I can remember telling one of the kid's on my schoolbus (chill, everyone, I was the driver) that I was not the one they had the baby shower for the day before, I was not even pregnant! WRONG.... I found out a couple of weeks later that I was indeed pregnant... with YOU! So...are you sure????....

  4. haha! every time i skype cheri,i see the pregnancy book in the background that her friend gave her "since she'll need it one day" and i get all excited... but no, still no baby...

  5. you are so cryptic.

  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    You know, every time I even thought we might try to conceive in a few months, it was already too late. I was already pregnant by that time! And now I have three. So just a friendly warning!

  7. You two make a loverly couple. :o) That's a frame-worthy photo.
    Happy New Year!!
