Thursday, October 16, 2008

everything that's wrong with me

or things i do poorly: {as requested by someone who should know i'm not all fabulous and together...)

i'm never on-time. well, rarely. if i have ten minutes to get ready, i'll take 15, an hour, an hour and fifteen. basically i could have enough time or not enough and i'll always be ten minutes late. and my husband's not the punctual type either, so together we're a dynamically behind-schedule duo.

i hate to clean the bathroom. absolutely loath it. so my mirrors are always spotted and the floor is always covered in grime. hey that's what bath mats are for.

i'm bad at remembering birthdays. horrible. i've made books over the past with everyone's listed BUT then i forgot to look in the book. so unless i love you dearly and grew up going to your birthday parties, don't expect a call. i wish i was better at it, because everyone loves to be pleasantly surprised on the day they dread most.

i'm chuck full of ideas, but i never follow-through. i'm a serious commitment-phobe. my husband says we would be millionaires by now if i could just translate my creativity into a business, but i can't, because then it would be work and a deadline and i'm not a huge fan of either.

i have tons of bad habits and can never create good ones. i should take my vitamins every day but instead i leave my towel on the bed. i should exercise every now and then, instead i eat a cake every now and then. i should finish projects, instead i shelve the ones i'm working on and start new ones. etc etc.

there are so many things wrong with me i could start a separate blog called 'tinkersastinker" but i'll resist. and most likely will bury this post later today with a beautiful picture of my birthday present from jen! which of course, makes me miss her even more because it's so perfectly thoughtful and useful all at the same time.


  1. #6, you cannot spell to save your life.

  2. I hate to clean the bathrooms, too. The Boy in my home seems to make it doubly icky. I firmly believe in slippers! (And when I MUST clean, I love my Swiffer WetJet and my ToiletDuck scrubber thingy)
    ...are you going to follow with a "things I do well" post tomorrow? (Or next week considering your time-limit deficiencies)

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    You know that is what makes true friends-someone who knows all about you and likes you anyway! Don't be so hard on yourself, you're only human-not SuperCheri.

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Oh, wait, maybe this is your alter-ego, hmmmmmmmm.

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    So funny, but as I expected, nothing shocking. You're a gem. None of these things translate into things your bad at - just things that add to that quirky personality everyone loves. But, you should listen to your husband and channel that creativity. I've got the same problem, but between the two of us I think you'd actually be able to do it. Love ya!
