Monday, October 13, 2008

daydreaming of simple times

we've got big plans for when we finally settle down in connecticut. a couple of acres of land next to an apple farm, a few chickens, one cow, a goat and maybe some sheep. {and free eggs and milk for all our friends not to mention the prospect of a petting zoo for the kiddies.} all inspired by a weekend "breather" an hour north of the city. deep breath...ahhh.

quality of life is measured differently by everyone, but fresh air and room to spread out are enough for me. someday we'll have a fireplace and a view. and perhaps some free apples. until then we'll have road trips.


  1. i totally want chickens and apples too! skip the cow though, too much work

    i'll try my very very hardest to call you tomorrow while i'm sitting at the airport for hours on end.

  2. it's a church halloween party. how else am i supposed to let people know, if not at church?

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    gorgeous picture! I love fall. And I love the country too-I grew up taking care of chickens(I had nightmares about them pecking me, but they never actually did).

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    You expect us all to believe you want chickens and cows after Manhattan? I'm not sure I believe you. It's nice to visit and all but country life isn't for the weak. Trust me I speak from experience. I mean Target is 1 hr and 25 minutes away, wal-mart is 30 and chicken coops? They smell girlfriend, seriously bad smell. But, that's why I get my eggs from the neighbor. And, I do love the solitude and lack of hustle and bustle. I would recomend country living to everybody but then, there would be no country.
