Friday, June 27, 2008

waterfalls sans the tropical location

so i have noticed that no matter where you are or what you're doing in nyc, you're sure to stumble across something to see and or do. for example, while leaving my interview earlier this week i stumbled across that photography exhibit in the public library.

lastnight we tried this cool little restaurant across the street. it's a london-themed fish and chips joint, which is really perfect for me since a: i love fish and chips and b: i love all things brit. the fish and chips were voted best in nyc, yummy and the menu included haggis, fried bananas and lots of puddings.

after that we walked along the promenade which is a park along the east river with a view of lower manhattan across the way. they've been working on these installations for a little while now but they're finally finished! what are they you say? well, they're waterfalls. your basic, metal and water contraptions but neat nonetheless. they're much cooler to see from the front side, they look more like actual waterfalls than a metal structure like here. not sure how long they'll be up, but hopefully we'll get some visitors soon and they can enjoy them too...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i read it somewhere

so not much has been going on. i've been working here and there on small projects from home. very nice. but today i had my first official interview with hopefully more to follow. so today i managed to make my way to midtown via subway. took a detour afterwards into the nyc library where an interesting photography exhibit with studies over the last ten years of the city and the surrounding burrows was on display.

i feel this weird loyalty and bond with brooklyn already and i'm really glad we chose to live here vs manhattan. every time i go over to manhattan i feel overwhelmed by the height of all the buildings and the sheer amount of people. although there is a lot more shopping in manhattan than brooklyn (and lots to do/see on every corner), brooklyn has our own IKEA now, two miles away door to door. woohoo. but seriously, i'm getting used to this city life. i just wish jen lived here still...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

makeover edition

except not permanent. but i think this is what i want to do with my hair. all the time. and i don't want to wrestle for a half hour with a curling iron to get there. so i was going to perm it (which i haven't done in about 8 years) until i called the salon and found out it would cost me 100 smackers. i can't even begin to justify that. so for now, me and my curling iron will go a few rounds...(and the top is a cute silk shirt from ann taylor, even though it looks like a towel in the pictures.)

did i also mention i'm trying this pulse light hair removal treatment. i'm getting it done on my underarms because i hate shaving my armpits, almost as much as they hate being shaved. and let me tell you, after one treatment the results are amazing. it's hardly even growing anymore and my skin is softer. there's a little pain during the procedure and sunburn-like redness for a few days after BUT it is so worth it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

hidden potential

who here feels ugly? you ever get that way? like none of your clothes are nice enough, your skin is drab, you hate your hair. even your favorite features seem drab. and the best part is being surrounded by millions of pretty people in the fashion mecca of the world. yay!

i already hacked away at the closet tonight. tossed a bunch of old blah boring cotton clothes. but i still feel like i need a makeover.

more on that later...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

polka dots and gardens

huge pendant update in the shop.

check it out, i only made two of each this time around and some of them were even lost to the process (stupid lousy cheap drill bit) so there's only one of those pendants. anyway. if you see something you want, get it, because my next creative time will be spent on loads of tissue holders and maybe some grettas.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

back in business

back from an extended weekend in connecticut, it was nice to get away and not have to put together any furniture. but we're back, and mama needs a new job. it's time. the vacation is officially over.

Friday, June 13, 2008

home sweet home

the new digs. this is pretty much the main living area. there's also a small bedroom, kitchen and bathroom and a tiny dining space off of this room BUT not everything is put together yet....i'll get more pics soon i promise!

oh and manda, we're not painting cause it's a rental, but there will be pictures and paintings going up over the couch and between the windows...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

and a fun new

bag. yes, i'm all about the straight lines. one of these days i'll venture out into the world of curves. i just needed a quick fix the other night while the husband was working. instant gratification. like sugar cookies from a pouch. nice.

hit me again

alright people. i'm back at it and i know i have some new readers SO i want to keep my links up to date. if you want me to include your blog/online tantrum in the fancy sidebar there, just comment know you want to...

ps: the shop is back! see ->. and although i don't have time to craft when i SHOULD be looking for a job {anyone, anyone?}, i will do my best to get some new fun stuff in there. for now, just buy the old stuff! ok, current stuff. oh AND apparently there's a little shop in colorado springs selling my pendants! woot. go here for details if you're in the area: Envi

comment your links suckas!

Monday, June 09, 2008

she's so demanding...

well i have to say, after over a month of not 'craft'ing/creating, i was staring to feel the urge. since the husband is working tonight, i thought i would rip out the sewing machine. and the interfacing, and the boxes of fabric and fat quarters.

it's a good thing he's not home. not that this place is in complete working order yet anyway.

i made two of these straight bands {quick and easy, instant gratification}, reversible with linen and colored stitching on the back. they're nice and tight and only about an inch wide so they keep the fly-aways tamed. i like em. i think i'll make more. but not tonight. i need a cute bag to walk to the grocery store with...

Saturday, June 07, 2008

half past exhausted

we're here but we're not exactly settled, there's still a box or two wandering around. but i did make my first official grocery run tonight and tomorrow {} i plan to do some official first laundry. by next wednesday we should be all settled. and i give that timeframe just because the last of our ikea crap gets delivered on tuesday...yay for more cut up knuckles and assembly mistakes! but in all seriousness, i have to give mad props to IKEA, for under two grand we furnished our entire apartment. and that money came from all the furniture/items we sold in syracuse. so our bank account isn't feelin' the burn.

i'm soooo glad the moving part of things is over for now. {i was so sick of our temp place i can't even tell you} now for the settling in part...

{and thanks to you all for the responses to the last post!! thanks to the input, i'll be tweaking version two a bit, printing some business cards and then redesigning all the packaging for future products!}

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

in the meantime

vote for your favorite! {do you see a theme here people?}

the shop should be back in the next week or so....

until we meet again

we're not getting internet installed until friday, so it may take a few days to get pics of the new apartment up.

got a full day of moving in tomorrow! in the rain of course. wish us luck! (and that nothing gets broken...)

Monday, June 02, 2008

user error

sorry about the general wonkiness to the blog this morning. with the demise of ringo, i'll have to find another uploading option for my headers. so this one might stick around for a while...

anyway, it was a lovely weekend with a visit to ikea and purchasing a new tv, all in preparation for the big day! yep, we move in this wednesday. what's that you say? less than two days away? yes indeed. i get to reconnect with all my cute shoes and framed pictures and kitchen gadgets! a girl couldn't be happier. this girl couldn't anyway. you try living without all your stuff for over a month....kelly can attest to this!

so can you see the empire state building back there? i took this photo lastnight while enjoying the gorgeous summer weather we've been having here lately. the husband and i like to sit and people/dog watch. we pay more attention to the dogs though. we're even starting to recognize dogs we've seen before. it's very funny. {plus you can't beat that view of manhattan}