Thursday, June 19, 2008

polka dots and gardens

huge pendant update in the shop.

check it out, i only made two of each this time around and some of them were even lost to the process (stupid lousy cheap drill bit) so there's only one of those pendants. anyway. if you see something you want, get it, because my next creative time will be spent on loads of tissue holders and maybe some grettas.


  1. love them! especially the owl and the flower one above and to the left.

  2. Those look great! I'm so jealous, thinking of you sitting in the city, being creative - while I'm up in the burbs working for the man.

  3. oh I think Ill grab one up for myself - cant beat it at $5! just stumbled upon your shop - lovely!

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    i meant to tell you that people still shouldn't wear them in the shower. the paper literally lifted right off but didn't tear at all. i really need to just glue it back on.

  5. Anonymous4:42 PM

    thanks mb, i went ahead and made a note of that in the listings on etsy...what is it with you people trying to look good in the shower??

  6. Anonymous11:24 AM

    can you save me the owl until i figure out how to buy it on etsy??? pleeeeeassssssssssseee??? or i'll tell krista to get it for me. but save it!

  7. Anonymous11:04 PM

    will do! no worries, i have two so if the one in the shop sells i'll still have a backup for you :)

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    great! thanks! i'll get right on it!

  9. Anonymous5:33 PM

    that was supposed to say "krista's mom" but i pressed enter too soon. duh.
