Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i read it somewhere

so not much has been going on. i've been working here and there on small projects from home. very nice. but today i had my first official interview with hopefully more to follow. so today i managed to make my way to midtown via subway. took a detour afterwards into the nyc library where an interesting photography exhibit with studies over the last ten years of the city and the surrounding burrows was on display.

i feel this weird loyalty and bond with brooklyn already and i'm really glad we chose to live here vs manhattan. every time i go over to manhattan i feel overwhelmed by the height of all the buildings and the sheer amount of people. although there is a lot more shopping in manhattan than brooklyn (and lots to do/see on every corner), brooklyn has our own IKEA now, two miles away door to door. woohoo. but seriously, i'm getting used to this city life. i just wish jen lived here still...


  1. spend more time downtown and you'll start to like it better... midtown isn't exactly fun...

    i wish i was still there too. don't get a job too soon cause we'll be visiting in a few weeks. after the 4th most likely.

  2. sorry, you can't have jen. she my movie/shopping buddy now.

  3. my boss-at-the-bookstore's father carved the lion statues in front of the nyc library. true story.
