Monday, July 09, 2007

out with the old, in with the new.

last weekend we finally broke down and bought some new appliances. well, this weekend our brandy new stove and dishwasher were delivered. they're so nice they even make the bargain-basement oak cabinets look good. i'm thrilled, no more coils and nasty cream ceramic, just a flat electric top and an oven that cleans itself. and the dishwasher! supposedly you don't even have to rinse anything. which is amazing since our old dishwasher would have dirtied up even clean dishes by the time it was done.

in news, another gretta bag will be up tomorrow, it's fantastically pink {and a bit modified}. and even though i decided to only work on bags for the shop for a bit i am working on a swell summer necklace line, which may or may not be done by the time winter gets here :) {begin rant} i've also decided it's time to just say no to all the favors i do. paying jobs: i'm all over, but the free stuff has got to stop. i'm NOT talking about any of you, i'm talking locally of course. i get asked weekly to do something new {for free!} which is just getting overwhelming {and did i mention i don't get paid?}. just when i mark something off my list someone else comes up with something they want me to do! don't get me wrong, i love word of mouth advertising and i love that people know what i can do BUT apparently everyone thinks i'm retired and have nothing else to do but FREE STUFF. but then there are those swell paying projects that really let me create and show what i can do! {like hand-made invites and baby announcements, what what!} so yay for fun paying projects and boo for freebie boring jobs. {/end rant}


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Yay!!! Fun paying jobs! I'm all for those!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm a dork. I deleted my comment somehow thinking that I could just start from scratch and nothing would show. Anywho. Got my Etsy package, LOVE everything. Thanks for the cds you sent w/ MB's package. You're the best. :)

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    i'm just going to assume you wrote something dirty...
