Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i can't get no sleep

IMG_7441_waitpreop.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

it's the pre-surgery jitters! you guys must be sick of hearing about this by now, but it's all i can think about. well, that and my grocery list, when to visit the library and rent all those movies you all suggested, not getting sick, making the husband feel better so he can take care of me, what i'll need while lounging on the couch for three days, what house projects to do once i feel better, what if the surgeon messes up and i get that annoying nose whistle, do i really look good in purple, does anyone look good in purple, what will i look like with black eyes, don't forget my camera, bring reading materials for the husband, don't forget to marinate the chicken, etc etc.

and so last night in my head went like this, until the husband talked me out of all my silly fears and massaged me to sleep. did i mention i love him. seriously.


  1. aww...husbands are the best!

  2. Such a sweet guy! I heard he's good with babies too!

  3. PS. Everything will be fine. Your nose will look bee-utiful and you will get everything done that you need to.

    Ah, the power of positive thinking.

  4. Dude. You will be so okay. Promise.

    Your secret service hottie looks pretty nice in that pic...;)

    By the way, your list scroll going on in your noggin...that is seriously how my brain is every day. Call it type A or OCD?

    Tonight take a bath, drink some nighttime tea and have J give you another massage...and this positive thoughts. You will be fine!

  5. seriously, everything is going to be ok, your new nose will be hot. wicked hot. all the ugly noses will be insanely jealous.

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    well my ugly nose might be jealous... be safe... i'll be sending you a fun box with movies, reading material and fun stuff to add to your craft collection

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    rock on everyone. thanks for the encouragement. i'm kinda stoked about the time off. not so much about the pain, right. but it'll all turn out ok. and my nose will be super hot. once the swelling goes down. in 3 months.
