Monday, June 04, 2007

and though i feel it coming undone

busy busy weekend but it took me much longer to get things done thanks to feeling like poo. i really need to get back into the habit of early bedtimes {and the gym!}. it's amazing how much better i feel when i get enough sleep {and exercise!}.

went to urgent care yesterday for the husband. he thinks he has strep throat which wouldn't be a big deal {it generally heals itself in a few days} BUT i'm having surgery in 3 days. 3 days! so basically i can't get it. and all weekend we were sharing drinks and food and kisses and all that fun stuff. i'm not feeling anything yet but i think i'll call the surgeon just in case. i mean, maybe they'll throw me on antibiotics anyway. plus i have some other questions for them so it won't hurt to toss one more in there.

well it's cold, rainy and gray here. hope everyone else's monday is a bit sunnier.


  1. yeah its pretty much pouring here. do you want to come down to CT, go swimming with me in my basement??

  2. ...kisses and ALL THAT FUN STUFF...


    I hope you don't get it. ;)

  3. i love a good basement swim. drink some green stuff - you know - super food. i super od'ed on it before my surgery to keep from getting sick. nothing was going to stop me from my day...

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    i was told i couldn't take any vitamins...what should i do?

  5. who is doing your surgery...dr kevorkian?

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    dr. falcone. he's the best in the area. but for the area, that's not saying much.

  7. vitamin supplements. a healthy drink will only help you. i'm alive, right?

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    well they say the vitamins will promote excessive bleeding. i don't want to bleed to death. plus, the test for strep from urgent care just came back as negative, he must have some sinus infection. yay! i mean, not yay that he's sick. but yay that it's not contagious.

  9. That means it's safe to have kisses and all that fun stuff again tonight.

  10. Anonymous4:11 PM

    you betcha.
