Tuesday, March 20, 2007

knee-deep in desperation

feeling a little under the weather and i'm totally blaming the fact that it's snowing on the first day of spring. i'm looking forward to summer more than i can express in pointless blog posts. this weekend was too cold to paint so i organized the crap out of three of the rooms in my house. the good news is i already have enough to throw a killer tag sale. and i still have the other half of the house to go through. i worked on the cards this weekend as well. i was so into it, i'm sending each person a set of handmade and a digitally designed set. because i just want everyone to like me.

p.s. i thought we could use a little internet humiliation in the form of a banner for a couple of weeks. happy almost easter.


  1. Secret Service Bunny and his cohort. Hotness.

  2. Love it. Justin looks delighted.

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    oh sweetie,
    Does he know you did this to him? Are any of his coworkers watching this blog? Call me, I am still at home.

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    this photo is going to come up someday when he is old and your grandkids know how to use google to find stuff about you. it'll be his 75th birthday party and this picture will be on the banner. and then everyone will laugh.
    the end.
