Saturday, March 24, 2007

i heart kelly green. who?

super_greenday.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i've been gone haven't i? it's been a busy work week. in fact, i'm sitting here working, on a saturday. but to ease the pain i picked up those super cute shoes you see above.

me: i'm working this weekend, so what should i buy with all that extra money?"
jen: "shoes, really expensive shoes."

but they weren't expensive jen, just super awesome.

anyway, i'm growing my hair out. again. but this time it's got a style thanks to a much needed cut last week {jackie O meets clair daines, no?}, so it may be easier to make it through the summer months. we'll see. and check the chocolate brown bathroom walls. a mucho gusto self-portrait background. mmm. delicious.


  1. i've been looking for some green shoes! i had in mind some that are white with green stripes, but the ones you got are super cute!

  2. VERY CUTE...the hair and the shoes. And I know you are going to share where you got them!

    I wore the shirt you made me one...and got lots of "OOO, I love your shirt...where did you get that?" So now a few more people know about Tinker the Great and where her blog is. Huzzah!

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    swell luvas. so i got them fancy pants shoes at payless. seriously. it's hit or miss but you always know you'll never pay more than twenty bucks for a pair...

  4. GAW! The only thing I find at Payless are faux Converse and patent leather mary janes.
