Monday, November 06, 2006

make a wish and kiss a fish

i'm getting a haircut in a couple of days and i'm not really sure what to do with it. i mean, not that i have so many options. basically i can either keep it growing out and looking very helmet-y {but definately not in the back since i hate when it's all ratty on my neck}, or i can cut it somewhat short and spiky again. not that either choice is going to have a major impact on my life, but i like to pretend it will.

the tub is IN! ha-lle-lu-jah. already took a relaxing bath and my oh my, do i love that thing. it was a fabulous pain, but now it's just fabulous.

also, i'm a huge fan of everything Christmas, but can we take one holiday at a time? is that too much to ask. apparently our retail friends haven't yet hit their quota for the consumer year and they're hoping a pre-thanksgiving push would be just what they need to hit their 17 billion dollar mark on tube socks. if only there were Thanksgiving presents.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    did you listen to the bath mix yet?
