Friday, November 03, 2006

friday faves

shopping_faves, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

involve shopping deals! because in celebration of finishing all that work i went to the mall...{i had to return some pants, honestly, gosh.}

so my late edition friday faves are as follows:

Clarks: the best shoe on earth. find an outlet near you and buy a pair, i repeat buy a pair. these babies cost me 20 dollars on clearance and the four-inch heel is surprisingly easy to manage, which tells me one thing, Clarks are good shoes. {the rubber sole helps with our lovely early snowfalls}

Old Navy kid section: this is the part where you all vow revenge upon my soul. i can fit in a kid's XL. yep. it comes in pretty handy when they have good sales. i picked up this cute little hooded sweater for 10 dollars.

Gloves: i love gloves, they keep my all too often frozen fingers from falling off. i also love when they have a fold over flap, the mitten/glove combo. or the glitten if you will. got these delicious knit red ones for 8 dollars.


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I love the glittens, where did you find them?

    By the way, I thought about you when the weather guy said snow up in Syracuse. Sorry. :(

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Guess who has a cool knitting pattern for glittens? ;)

    Okay and really...XL in kids? I am sooo jealous.

    LOVE the boots.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    sara: picked them up at burlington coat factory, they're nine west.

    wannabe: i don't know you well enough to ask you to knit me something, so could you pass that pattern onto MB for while she has nothing to do on maternity leave??

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Those are some spankin AWESOME boots!!!!!!!
