Thursday, June 15, 2006

well wishes and hallmark crap

happy birthday to my husband. he turns 30 today. one of those life-changing events. i told him he still looked 29 to me. when i turn 30 i fully expect him to tell me i look 22. but he's a bad liar.

also an early happy bday to my 6th reader Robyn. It's not until tomorrow, but i figured tomorrow i might be too busy to blog. have a good one you crazy canuck.

in other news, remember oatmeal cream pies and burger king crowns? just a couple of random nostalgic things i ran into this morning. i used to eat oatmeal cream pies every day and now the very thought of them makes me sick to my stomach. ah, commercialized processed goods.

i also bought loads of stuff at the body shop sale this morning. i figured if i can endure the bikini wax, i at least deserve some grapeseed body butter. and some new lipgloss. and purple eyeshadow. great sale, and the guy there chatted with me about LA for a bit, since he lived out there last year. i already love california and i'm not even there yet! 45 hours until we set foot in LAX.


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    yay for birthdays. i wonder if i could find a recipe to make homemade oatmeal cream pies. those things are the best. i remember being excited when they were on sale and my mom packed one in my lunch. (of course that was last week. just kidding!)

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    your mom still packs your lunches? lucky!

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Happy Birthday to Justin- the party looked great, so sorry we had to miss it!

    Safe travels- can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    you forgot to pick a number heather! 1 to 100.
