Friday, June 16, 2006

happy friday-before-i-fly-away-from-this-wretched-place...

and the winner of the number guessing to win crap thing is...

wait for it...

congrats. you won some crap. please comment your favorite colors and e-mail and i will begin making your crap {i shouldn't refer to it as crap because we all know i can make some sweet stuff} as soon as i return....

enjoy the weekend people. i'll be spending half of it locating terminals, having my sneakers x-rayed, getting business papers in order on the flight and paying way too much for a bottle of tap water. hasta until i post again!


  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    huh! i didn't want that crap anyway!

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM


    Boy am I excited now! That totally makes my crappy Monday SO.MUCH.BETTER!!

    Tink You ROCK!@

    my favorite colors are pink and light blue and my email is please no stalkers...

    I feel so LUCKY!! and to think that Kelly almost beat me (didn't you guses 26?) Thank goodness I went with my instinct and picked my birthday date! YAY!!

    Ok seriously I'm excited now. Am I a dork? wait.. dont' answer that!
