Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Delicious dishes: creamy tomato soup

Perhaps this actually IS how you make tomato bisque, or maybe it's not {more likely}, but it tastes just as good and it's SUPER easy. I'm no cook, I have much more talented friends for things like recipes from scratch, but this is a really quick and simple fall-back recipe. As in, you forgot to plan something for one night, so fall back on this. Add whatever version of a grilled cheese you like, and voi la.

All you need is a 32 oz box of tomato soup {I like creamy organic Trader Joes tomato soup, mmm mm}, a 14 oz. can of roasted {or non} chopped tomatoes and about a cup of heavy cream, more if you prefer...

You can combine all the ingredients in the crockpot or on the stove. I find if you use the crockpot, you need to cook it on high for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Stovetop, obviously until it's hot.

1 comment:

  1. looks yummy! i meant to grab some soups when i was at TJ's with you last. guess i have to just go again (when my flowers die, so that i can get more) :)
