Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And then there was blanky

I guess it's the standard bebe love story. There once was a sleepy bebe. Then one day a soft lovable blanket came along and the two were inseparable. Thus the story goes. This little one decided to love our sofa blanket and since it seemed irrational to carry around a twin size blanket everywhere, I carefully chopped the thing up and sewed a few small 'blankies'.

When it's time for some sleep, or when she's just feeling mellow, it's always the same routine. Grab a 'binky' and a 'blanky' and sit down for a rest. She has a favorite corner and once she finds it, she starts rubbing her face and chin. It's adorable really, and I thought it was high time I captured it. Because I know, in my heart, that these moments are fleeting and that one day my bebe will be a big girl who doesn't need things like blankies anymore. But until then, I have a few back-ups...

1 comment:

  1. precious. my ethan has his monkey and it is so worn and loved I fear for its future. when he was elsie's age he would rub the tail on his face.
    she is so sweet! great idea to make a few. they are not easily replaced...
