Thursday, June 07, 2012

kiss me goodnight

I absolutely adore this girl. I can't think of anyone else I want to spend every day with. Isn't that the most adorable gummy smile? 

This week Nanny is up from Virginia looking for a place to live on the Connecticut border and luckily today she signed a lease! So Nanny and Poppy will officially be living back home in New England the first of July! This is actually a huge relief for me, since it more than likely means a break now and then, or just a chance to catch up with home reno projects. And although I said before that I LOVE spending my days with this bebe, it puts a big damper on my to-do list. Not the groceries or the laundry, but it's a bit difficult to cut trim and paint windows with a 6 month old! Regardless, having grandparents close will be amazing. And I'm pretty sure they're excited about it. Right now Nanny is kissing that bebe to sleep. And bebe's smiling from ear to ear.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous. I would love for my mom and dad to be close. Enjoy it!
