Thursday, June 28, 2012

bebe's new shoes: a tutorial

Who wants to make some of these adorable sandals?

So here's what you need, along with scissors, thread and a sewing machine unless you're not opposed to hand sewing. I messed up a couple of things I noticed as I was working {trial and error, what can I say?} so since I couldn't retake this photo, I just updated it with scribbles. Very professional, I know. I used a thin decorative elastic but on the next pair I think I will try something thicker, even though this works just fine. Also I think I will try leather for the soles, but felt is a fine option if they're not walking yet. To get your foot template, just trace bebes feet onto some thin cardboard...

Now loop and pin your ribbon pieces like so, along with the shortest pieces of elastic to the front of the soles in between the two pieces of felt. Machine or hand sew the two pieces together securing all pieces to your base.

Now slip your largest piece of elastic through the ribbon loops and sew the ends creating a circle. This is your ankle strap.

Make your flowers for embellishment. Use premade or any one of the million tutorials on Pinterest! I've made these flowers before and they're super simple. You can follow this tutorial. Then attach to the ankle strap using hot glue. I tend to use a circle and sandwich the strap between the circle and the flower for more stability but you don't have to do this, it just finishes it off a little better.

Now I did some hand stitching on the ribbon loops to close them up closer to the ankle straps, so the straps wouldn't have too much play. It's a totally optional step. There, now you have some completed bebe shoes, but they're not for walking, I repeat not for the walking bebes! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

picture perfect

Here's a quick inexpensive DIY canvas project. All you need is some mod podge, an 8x8 canvas, acrylic paint and a printed image on plain white office paper. I found these canvas' at Dick Blicks for a few dollars a piece. I like to keep an eye out for sale canvas since there are so many other projects you can do with these...

First print your image, trim and set aside. Now paint the outer edges of your canvas with acrylic paint and a sponge brush, making sure to go slightly over the edges so there won't be a white gap when you adhere your image on the front. Allow to dry and when ready cover the canvas front with a thin even coat of mod podge. Apply your image, flatten out with your fingers and keep an eye on any bubbling. Just press out bubbles with your fingers gently to avoid tearing the paper. If you haven't oversaturated the canvas you shouldn't run into that problem. Allow to dry and coat entire image with another thin coat of mod podge. Allow to dry and you're ready to hang! I think the top coat of mod podge really makes the image pop and protects the paper so don't skip this step, you'll be glad you didn't...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here's the problem with Pinterest if it actually has one. It's a lot like Wikepedia in that anyone can post anything whether or not it's actually true {or works}. So It's hit or miss with some things such as writing on mugs with Sharpies, baking them and expecting that to work. It doesn't, I tried. I then proceeded to wash the marker off by hand right after they cooled. Fail. But with lots of pins, they do actually work, and you will find yourself pleased with the results and eager to either host a party or give a random person a handmade gift. 

For example, adding glitter to mod podge and painting glass. It worked, and I love it. Although, taping off a section is more difficult than it seems since the mod podge will peel off with the tape leaving you a dodgy edge. Unless you do a quick swipe around the tape/glue edge with an xacto knife. Regardless, it's an easy process.

The mod podge/glitter mixture:

Drying on the HOT sunporch {I wasn't thrilled with the clothespin results}:

And since I was trying to use up what mixture I had left, I decided to pull a couple of frames I painted a while back and glam them up a bit. I really liked the glitter effect on the frames, it added some glimmer but it's a very girly effect, so maybe not appropriate for the family gallery wall. The chalkboard centers are actual scrapbook paper, can you believe they make a chalkboard scrapping paper? How cool is that?! Anyway, if you were thinking of this Pinterest project, I highly recommend it, you might just find yourself putting glitter on everything...

Monday, June 11, 2012


Everyone, repeat after me: Awwww.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

kiss me goodnight

I absolutely adore this girl. I can't think of anyone else I want to spend every day with. Isn't that the most adorable gummy smile? 

This week Nanny is up from Virginia looking for a place to live on the Connecticut border and luckily today she signed a lease! So Nanny and Poppy will officially be living back home in New England the first of July! This is actually a huge relief for me, since it more than likely means a break now and then, or just a chance to catch up with home reno projects. And although I said before that I LOVE spending my days with this bebe, it puts a big damper on my to-do list. Not the groceries or the laundry, but it's a bit difficult to cut trim and paint windows with a 6 month old! Regardless, having grandparents close will be amazing. And I'm pretty sure they're excited about it. Right now Nanny is kissing that bebe to sleep. And bebe's smiling from ear to ear.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

camera bling

I decided to do some research on those fun little Elmo scrunchies you see at the end of the camera lenses of portrait photographers trying to get baby's attention. Turns out, I couldn't figure out what they're called, so all my amazon searches turned up nada. Then a quick google search led me to this etsy shop: Happy Acres Farm

As adorable as those all are, I have so much felt I decided to craft my own. A quick trip to Walmart and I had the scrunchies, because if anyone's going to still carry scrunchies, it would be Walmart.

These were easy to make and not too time-consuming. You could probably decide on a simpler design based on your time restrictions, but I opted for fun and colorful. If you don't have the gumption to give it a go then I highly recommend you buy one from her shop since the designs are all super adorable. Here is an easier version, a simple flower:

Even though we were extremely busy learning textures and shapes, we had a time out to see if our bling works.

'Mama, what is that awesome thing on that big black monster you keep shoving in my face?' I think it works!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Beauty all around

Whoever lived here first had a green thumb. Lucky for me, some of it actually survived being neglected for years. Unfortunately these peonies only last a week or so, but I can't help admiring them when they're here.

Another thing my husband and I can't help admiring:

She's the prettiest thing we've ever seen.