Sunday, October 02, 2011

it's a...they're not finding out!

A quick gift sewn for a friend who doesn't know what she's having yet:

The tie onesie was SO quick and easy, but I spent a lot more time on the onesie dress since I had to add the elastic in myself. The flower is attached with a velcro circle, so it's easily removable before washing. I didn't know how it would hold up in the wash, so I figured better safe than sorry. {The skirt fabric was a goodwill find, that ended up being an Amy Butler organic sheet! I loved the pattern and can't wait to make more cute things with it.}

Well, I just found out I'll be working again all this week, so it'll be quiet around here again. Maybe I'll just throw a bunch of house pictures on here for you guys!

1 comment:

  1. i like your thrift stores...amy butler organic fabric no less! love the onesies-such talent. ;)

    hope your feeling well.
    hi to mr. daddy-justin too.

