Friday, September 09, 2011

Stinking Adorable Onesie skirt tutorial {onesie dress?}

Okay, who wants to make one of these? It's so simple. I came up with the idea out of a 'how-would-i-ever-use-this?' moment.


Here's what happened. I like to buy sheet sets, vintage or new {new when they're marked down and super inexpensive}. It's a great way to get a lot of fabric for a little bit of money. Fabric shower curtains are good for this too, along with tablecloths. In other words, I'm no stranger to the Target clearance aisles. Anyway, I bought two sheet sets in two patterns I liked for baby stuff. While I was cutting up the fitted sheets to make a pillow, I thought to myself, these are good scraps with elastic already in them, what can I make out of them??

So voi la, we have a lovely baby onesie with an attached skirt. Here's a tutorial for anyone who wants to make one yourself. This one took me about 30 minutes start to finish, and I had to pause to take photos. So start with cutting up a fitted sheet, leaving about 6 or 7 inches from the elastic edge. Make sure to pin the elastic bands so you don't loose them inside...then measure around your onesie and sew ends together.



Now is a good time to cut the bottoms more evenly:


Take your skirt and iron down the bottom hem, pin and sew.


Now you should have a cute looking wee skirt:


Attach to your onesie keeping the long seam in the back. I followed the stitch that was already on the fabric, just below the elastic band.



There you have it! Easy, yes? Mine needed a little something, so I added the fabric flower with a quick stitch. {I'll show you all how to make the flower sometime soon.} So, what do you think?? Honestly, you could whip these up in 15 minutes, once you got the hang of it. GREAT for personalized shower gifts.




  1. daisygirl9:20 AM

    Wow! What a great idea! I feel the itch to go to my favorite second hand store! These would make great baby shower gifts.

  2. the print.

    now, where ever did you find those straight pins? those are what i need for sewing!

