Friday, July 08, 2011

master bedroom COMPLETE

To say complete is a little misleading, there's still blinds to buy and install, a large floor mirror to find and some wall art to install BUT complete to me at this point means no more construction or paint needed. So we've moved in, sans blinds and all.

This is where the room started:


As you can see, there's not much to work with. The cat hair carpet HAD to go, the drop ceiling was awful and the panelling I had decided I could live with {after some paint that is}, until we made some layout/wall changes and then it seemed silly to even attempt to keep.

Here's the during process:


We have new sheetrock, floor to ceiling. And after painstakingly removing all the leftover staples, we have a raw plywood floor to work with. The biggest changes happened on the opposite wall, where we changed the entry door location and removed the closet. Then we changed the door position to the {new} bathroom to accommodate double sinks and built out cubbies for his and hers custom closets.

And here she is, in all her finished glory:


Now the husband has full reign over both closets, since, if you've ever seen my hall closet, you know that gluttony already becomes me in the clothes and shoes department. Having addition space for my 'stuff' would just be shameful. So now he has room to spread out. All in all we love having the space and it's just so nice to have a bed you can walk around...


  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Are y'all doing everything yourselves?!?! If or if not, I'm impressed!!!

  2. I love seeing all of your improvements! I'm sure you will be glad for a break from it soon. I think I remember you from college. Did you have a roomie named Shannon?

  3. tinkerwiththis12:20 PM

    We did not do everything ourselves, we called in the professionals for things like plumbing, electric, framing and sheetrocking. we did things like paint, trim, insulation, etc. I can't even imagine doing all the work the professionals did as well. Way too crazy.

    hfov: I did have a roommate named Shannon and she was crazy!
