Saturday, May 14, 2011

i've been framed

Forgive me dear readers for slacking on the posts, but I promise you it's for good reason. I'm working on a REALLY awesome huge stellar project and it's taking up a lot of my time. That along with the house and the intermittent freelance job and I am pooped.

But I have been crafting and decorating and of course shopping. Maybe I should dedicate a whole day to posting my weekly thrifty finds?

Anyway, I had a couple of my favorite photos blown up a while back, and have been waiting for the perfect spot in the new digs for them. But then I realized that in my giant bin of frames, I didn't have two matching 8x10s. And I couldn't justify spending a lot on MORE frames, so when I found these at TJMaxx today, I was oh so thrilled.
The mattes weren't exactly my style, so I spray-painted them white. For five dollars a piece and a little bit of work, I now have framed art that makes me smile.



  1. i never would have thought to spray paint the mattes. but seeing as you are the spray paint queen i should not be surprised.

  2. tinkastinka9:25 PM

    i would spray paint your children if you let me...
