Wednesday, March 30, 2011

craft night project reveal and a contest: pincushions abound

It was a lovely night, filled with the dog under our feet, delicious pie and good company. We all worked on our random projects and I was delighted with how many of these pincushion projects I was able to crank out.

These two were made from mini casserole dishes, one for me, one for gifting...I loved the coordinating pins I found in my stash. These were made by tracing the dish on the back of the fabric, cutting with a 1" allowance along the border, hand sewing through the edge and then pulling on the thread and bunching the fabric into a bowl shape. I added some stuffing and then hot glued the fabric 'bowl' to the inner edge of the dish. This would probably work great with anything from tea cups to small bowls to gravy servers!
These other versions were made using the ball canning jars, where the tops are removable. See the link in my previous post for the tutorial. They were so quick and easy to make too. And they have extra storage for ribbon, pins, measuring tape, whatever you need handy and visible.
I'll be giving away one of these small jar pincushion to a lucky reader. Just comment here with a project you want to do, want to see craft nighters make, or just something that caught your eye. You have to have a link in your comment to be entered. I will close the contest and announce the winner next monday...happy researching!


  1. Great Idea (put buttons in the jar and pins on the top (the saucer idea is great too)! I actually went to a few store looking for a cute pincushion but only found those traditional tomatoe ones. I like your variety MUCH better!

  2. Love the pin cushions!

    I'm going to be doing a couple Easter themed crafts with my girls. We'll probably grow some wheat grass in a couple little pails from Target's Dollar spot. I'm also thinking about making these embroidery thread covered eggs with them... and also this Easter paper garland...

  3. nicole12:39 PM

    that is such an awesome idea! i'd love one for my MIL who got a NEW sewing maching recently, and is excited about sewing again!

  4. I think that a jar holder/pin cushion is a brilliant idea! (If I don't win the contest, can you let me know how you made it so I can make one myself??)

    I would love to make this flower on this site! The tutorial seems easy enough...just have to find time to do it. I think it would look fabulous on a fabric belt, on a table, or on a headband!

  5. What a great idea! I've got some thrift pieces ready to cake plate it up. Here are a few of my current to-do projects:

    Maybe good on frames:

  6. oooo, super cute! great idea.

    On my "to do someday soon" list are these two projects:

    Make your own pretty padded mailers:


    Sew Oven Mitts:

    Wish I lived close enough to come to your craft nights!

  7. So on an unrelated note, how has your Candida cleanse gone? I would love to compare notes. I'm currently on day 8 of a 14 day program. Already, I am finding relief from the chronic itchyness. How about you? Any good recipes to pass along?
