Tuesday, March 22, 2011

bridge the design


So with the rest of the house in disarray, there's really only a few cozy corners of retreat. This is our one corner of the living room that's actually set-up, and where we spend our tv-time.

I made all the pillow covers myself and i'm in love with birds right now, so the clearance target tablecloth was the best solution for a spring look. I think it was $4 and I still have leftovers for minor sewing projects.

The couch came with us from Brooklyn and although the bonded leather isn't the prettiest, it's holding up well to the new paw prints. It also doubles as a full-size sleeper, so it may have a second life in the guest room or craft room.

Above the couch is one of my photographs of the brooklyn bridge. It's one of my favorites and it makes me happy to see it every time I walk in here. I had Staples print it as an engineering blueprint at 20x28". It's basically a large print out on a plain white paper, but it only cost me about $2, so along with the as-is IKEA frame at $10, I have a large piece of art for $12. Can't beat that...

And just so you know i'm not always so put together, that lampshade is totally jimmy-rigged on the base, so don't touch it or it shifts around...the husband LOVEs that!


  1. it looks great and so cozy!

  2. i love that the print came out good. i totally forgot to do that!
