Tuesday, February 22, 2011

craft night oh craft night

So here it is, another craft night. Except this one won't be as quiet and peaceful. We'll have a wee bit of demo work happening right before, so there may be some cleanup going in and out of the house. The upstairs is finally on it's way to a facelift. More like rhinoplasty. We're rearranging some rooms that they really didn't think through when the addition was put on. I think a couple of stressed out parents said, ohmyword, we need more space, let's throw a couple of huge bedrooms off the second bedroom upstairs. And that was how we ended up with a completely unused bedroom/hallway. But I digress...


Well, thanks to Marybeth's inspiration, we're making one of these. If you're planning to come by tonight, bring yerself some yarn {one skein'll do ya}, some felt of your color choices, and a foam wreath. I didn't think to put the glue gun in the photo, but if you have one of those, bring it too. If not, you can borrow mine. I'm excited. I picked out my colors and already made my flowers and MB is bringing some dessert. Mmm.


  1. sigh. i really wish i could be there! i want to make one of those and i know i can make it by myself but i really would rather make it with you!

  2. what about a virtual craft night? although for you it would be a craft morning...
