Friday, January 21, 2011

don't go in the basement


And yet I have to. I'm not a huge fan of basements, in fact, when we were house hunting I don't even think I went in half the basements of the homes we saw. They're just creepy to me. But thanks to the New England weather, I found myself in need of a work area warmer than the garage. Enter, the basement.

As you can see, it wasn't the most serene of spaces. You know when things are just in disarray and you find yourself tossing things left and right because really, they have no actual 'home'? Doesn't this space just say, come down here and get some projects done? No? No kidding.

So after a morning/day of cleaning, this is the organized space I needed. All it took was a 70 dollar workbench from Home Depot, some peg board and a few bins on clearance at the place that shall not be named, and voi la! A project friendly work zone.
Those red totes are the best, not only were they 2.50 a piece, but they have handles so I can grab and go if I need everything in it on another floor...oh and the pegboard would NOT screw into the concrete walls no matter what I tried, so after creating a few holes, I decided to make an H bracket {I don't know, but it's shaped like an H} out of 2x4s and screw it into that. It's good for now, until I figure out just what it takes to conquer concrete. Oh and I forgot to take an after shot of the space at the bottom of the stairs but there's nothing there now, so it really doesn't matter...


  1. carrie7:53 PM

    you are seriously the organization queen!! I love that about you!!:0) you inspire me!!

  2. your mommy8:28 AM

    I often wondered why you were so creeped out with basements... this from the girl who wouldn't stay out of the swamp when searching for frogs, bugs and salamanders (sp?)... hmmmm.... BTW, you did a great job on your basement.. very nice... :) Love you!!!

  3. Janabanana10:24 PM

    When does the organization end! :) where did you get those awesome totes for 2.50? I have never seen a deal like that! No wonder you have so much great organization.
