Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Great Kate part Deux

Well, to say she was a trooper would have been an understatement. We both found ourselves shivering grabbing icy cold banisters and walking around a rooftop without shoes but we got great shots so it was worth it. Here's proof that I was prepared. I brought her some knee socks and rainboots for trecking through the snow because I knew how badly she wanted outdoor photos. And if you know anything about Kate, she is willing to walk strappy sandalled through the snow to get what she wants...I wanted to avoid frostbitten bride. And navy blue polo boots just seemed perfect.
This shot of the two of them is so wonderful because it feels iconic, so I thought it would be great in black and white:
There's always the details:
And this shot has to be my favorite. I was worried about the intimate setting of the Inn but every nook and corner held a bit of perfection. The light through this small window was a perfect setting:


1 comment:

  1. carrie5:02 PM

    gorgeous photos!! You did awesome!! I had no doubt that you'd be nothing but!!:)
