Monday, September 13, 2010

Vintage Pyrex, be jealous MB, be very jealous.


So i'm not a collector. I just buy what I like. Well, turns out I really like vintage Pyrex. It's the 70s (50s?) graphics and colors that I'm really pulled to. This was only a few dollars at the local 'Savers'. If you don't have a 'Savers' near you, it's basically like the Tar-je of thrift stores. And the really neat thing is they set up shop to benefit a local charity and not just some massive corporate 'charity'. So I can collect even though I don't collect, and feel good about it!

(ps: This ended up being a perfect tea packet holder. Now that I'm drinking tea every day thanks to the chilly new england mornings, it's grab and go right on the counter...)


  1. my mom has some of that stuff. guess i never realized it was pyrex. i love it, too!

  2. I'm drooling. Ugggh. WANT!

  3. My Mom has TONS of that stuff!!
