Sunday, August 29, 2010

time for a little girly


so i've been feeling the side effects of the renovation insanity. i get dirty and sweaty and ride in a truck and wear safety goggles. needless to say i need a little girly thrown back in there. this is a favorite new dress of mine. a friend picked it out of the clearance rack and even though it was 2 sizes too big, i decided to give it a chance. well, as luck would have it, it fit.
i fitted it with a black silk flower pin made from the previous craft night and paired it with some great black heels and voi la!

1 comment:

  1. daisygirl7:09 PM

    Too cute! I really want to make some of those flowers too! I saw a dress that had some on it, so might use that idea and spruce up some old items to make them new and cute again!
