Monday, July 26, 2010

room for living


so it's been a busy week over at the tinker household. i had three little destructive angels at my house for the past 8 days, so there was no time for, well, anything. i promise this week we'll be back to our regularly scheduled awsomeness filled with ideas, crafts and info.

for now, here's a sneak peak of the new house. today is the inspection so things are moving along fairly well. this is the living room and the one room in the house that needs the least amount of work. {i'll show you all the kitchen soon...} this room needs refinished hardwoods, white trim and a new wall color along with painting the fireplace white. we might also build in some media units below the windows on either side of the fireplace and hang a plasma up there. all in due time. first we need to close and get those keys!


  1. when you paint the trim white do you want to come to my house and paint mine?? :)

  2. awesome! can't wait to see the "after" pictures.

  3. carrie4:22 PM

    Love it!! This place has great potential!! Love the fire place and once it's painted white it will be so awesome!! so excited for you guys!!
