Wednesday, July 28, 2010

black-eyed sue


so here it is, the cute little quaint cape we're going to buy. the inspection went better than expected {serously, no major issues on a foreclosed empty HUD home?} and we're hoping for a quick closing date, maybe in a few weeks. then i'll be rolling up my sleeves and getting dirty with some demo work. we have lots of plans for this house {the inside needs some serious lovin'} and i just happen to have the time to work on it.

God has blessed us in so many ways over the years {9 yr anniversary last week, what what?!} and it's amazing to watch how He consistently works things out in our lives, even if we don't expect it. I've always wanted to own a cape cod, especially one i could put my mark on, and this project-house is perfect...


  1. so awesome for you! my dream house is a craftsman. some day...

  2. Karin5:17 PM

    adorable! And those black-eyed susans are just smiling at you! Lucky you not having to plant them...

  3. janabanana11:40 PM

    I bet the mortgage payment is a bit more pleasant than the rent in Brooklyn! Looks like you'll be having lookin adorable in no time!

  4. your momma11:55 PM

    love it! Beautiful, and the flowers... would love a bouquet of those!!!(hint, hint)

  5. it is very cute. Glad it all worked out. Love the light fixture out front, and the flowers. We bought a fixer upper about 4 years ago and it was really fun to see it transform. I should send you some before and after pics. It is exhausting and overwheming at times but totally satisfying and fun too. take lots of pictures. I wish I had taken more.
